Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Failure. My Prayer.

            Hello there stranger!  It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you.  Yes, I know it’s my fault, but it’s nice to see you all the same.  With that in mind, here we go…
            My blog is titled, “My Life as a Dad, Husband & Son”.   One of those is completely involuntary.  One is semi-voluntary.  One is completely voluntary.  Recently I have become aware that I have that I have not been the husband that I should have been for my wife.  I am a selfish person.   I have known this for quite some time, but I didn’t realize just how selfish I have been.  My selfishness has been hurtful to my wife and to our marriage.  This saddens me more than I can say.  I have an unfortunate tendency to do what I want.  I listen to what my wife wants or needs and then I do what I want with little or no consideration to her.  Sometimes this is in small matters and other times rather important matters.  I make things worse by not communicating well with my wife.  This is a recipe for a failed marriage. 
            I hope and pray that I am not too late to save it, to rebuild it.  I know that I will have to make material changes to how I treat, behave and react to my wife and my children.  I have to fight to stop myself from opening my mouth and saying what has come naturally for years.  I have to open my mouth and say the things that have not come naturally for years.  I have to be patient.  I have spent years doing harm and it will take quite some time to undo that damage.  I will have to take a step back and let my wife find her way.  I will have to re-build the path that leads to us and pray that she is willing to walk back down a path that caused her pain in the past.  I will have to hope that there are enough good memories to make that journey worthwhile, desirable even. 
            No matter how this turns out, I will always regret the path I set for my wife and our marriage.   It is my failure, now I offer this prayer.