Monday, April 11, 2022

I'm Back. A Decade Later.

 Well, it's been a while.  Almost a decade.  Life happens.  I allowed my life to get in the way of my writing.  I lost contact with the release and connection to others that writing gives me.  I lost the chance and ability to have a more objective view at my own life. 
The last 10 months have been devastating and instructive.  3 June 2021 I had a stroke.  To be more accurate, now that we have a more complete picture, I had a seizure.  Then I fell and broke my skull in two places resulting in a stroke, and broke my left wrist (which necessitated surgery that gave me a titanium plate and 10 titanium screws in my wrist). I spent a week in ICU and 3 weeks in a rehab center.  I then spent 2 months sleeping 18 hours a day before being approved for a part-part time return to work.  I  argued for full-time but was denied. I can't remember a time I was happier to be wrong.  It was 3 more weeks before I close to being ready for full-time. I made it until 1 March 2022 when I had another seizure.  Bonus, it was identified as a seizure.  Then, the 3 June 2021 event was diagnosed as a seizure (which resulted in a stroke - it's complicated).  Only 3 days in the hospital that time.  But it did result in a few steps back in my stamina. Well it's a loss of stamina or the new meds for seizure prevention - or maybe both. Either way, I have to get more sleep than I did previously. 
I written about Anna before and she re-enters now.  Anna (my oldest daughter) and serendipity are closely assimilated in my life.  I moved to Alabama (yeah, I know this is new info but you'll have to wait for that information) at her request.  I was, and am, so happy to have move here to be closer to her.  I just didn't know it would save my life (and that's another story).  But here I am.  More to follow, giving some of the missing decade and important points of my life I am willing to share.  
If I may, please let me know what you think. Good, bad or indifferent. Are you glad I'm here/back or do you wish me dead.  I'd like to know.  No condemnation or judgement from me - let me know what you think. If nothing else, it helps me.

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